A scientific event organized by Prof Jean-Michel Plane and Catherine Voynnet-Fourboul
28-29 Jun 2019 Montpellier (France)

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Since 2016, an AGRH thematic research group has been set up to promote research in the field of management and spirituality.

The University Paul-Valéry - Montpellier 3 with the support of the AGRH, organizes research days on the theme "Spirituality, development, transformation".

These days will take place on Friday 28 and Saturday 29 June 2019 at the University Paul-Valéry - Montpellier 3 on the Saint-Charles site, rue du professeur Henri Serre in downtown Montpellier.

Spirituality is an attractor that leads academics and professionals in search of meaning to rethink their productions and reflections. It is considered as the "recognition that people have an inner life that nourishes and is nourished by work that makes sense, by consumption that takes into account spiritual aspirations..." (Ashmos & Duchon, 2000:137). Spirituality is a relational ideopraxis centred on a spiritual presence that unifies (allows to find harmony, the integration of various aspects of oneself), orients (allowing to make sense, to find one's place - to which one is called in life - and to connect with ultimate concerns) and mobilizes all aspects of life thus allowing the realization of oneself, one's aspirations and potential in intensity and joy. (Duyck & alii 2017).

The literature has steadily increased in this area (Cash & Grey, 2000; Giacalone & Jurkiewicz, 2003; Giacalone & Jurkiewicz, 2004; Karakas, 2009; Benefiel & al. 2014; Tischler & Alii 2007) showing that spirituality is likely to influence fields as varied as consumer behaviour and experience (Moal-Ulvoas, 2014; Poulain & al., 2013), to increase well-being at work and performance in the workplace (Duyck & Mhenaoui, 2013) and to encourage new forms of leadership (Pauchant, 2005; Voynnet Fourboul, 2012; Plane, 2015). The scope of the literature covers different aspects of management research: organizational theory, leadership, human resources management, marketing, ethics and governance.

In this context, it is the question of the development and transformation of people and organisations in management situations that we invite you to work in a comprehensive but also critical way. In what way and how can taking into account in the processes of "spirituality management" promote the development and transformation of individuals and organizations and/or, on the contrary, constitute a limit or even an obstacle to this double transformation? The questions of the development of people and organisations but also their transformation call for many contemporary questions.

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